Come and eavesdrop on the Gorgeous Ladies of Psychology as they wrestle with the demands of the the personal, the professional and the existential. Follow their story, as they and the clients they work with tackle the weighty mighty issues of our time and sit in that uncomfortably comfortable place … the boxing ring for Psychologists, the couch. In the Ancient Greek tradition of achieving cultural Catharsis through Drama and the now lost Theory of Comedy penned by Aristotle, get yourself a ring side seat and listen in to the salacious secret life of our two intrepid Psychologists as they deep dive in to the underworld of the forbidden, face the destruction of entropy and strive against the odds to mend the broken minds of the mentally ill. And let’s face it – we are all a bit wonky, so welcome aboard. In the buttoned up, trimmed, waxed, high and tight, approaching perfection corner we have the reigning Champion - Clinical Psychology driving for outcomes and “using science to help people” whilst smugly waving a wad of sparkling evidence base. Clinical Psychology and their efficient technique and research muscle has risen to prominence and dominance within the profession of Psychology in recent times but … is this force for order missing something? Was this something valued more in bygone days? Are we moving closer and not further away from transformation? In the less tidy, more accepting of the messy mystery of it all, intuitive, pursuing authenticity, approaching unconditional positive regard corner, we have the under dog - Counselling Psychology prioritising the therapeutic relationship, unfolding processes and in a non causal linear pathway, becoming Self Actualised. The story so far … “parted by fate in their final year at the University of Queensland facing the devastation of a career pathway blighted before it started, unable to continue on in the Department of Psychology due to a non fatal brush with malevolence and a general lack of funding, they left in a cloud of confusion and untapped potential. Gerri headed to that notorious major Australian City with a hookless coat hanger for a bridge, that Opera House and into the sharp teeth and square jaw of Clinical Psychology. Imy headed to Paris and romance speedily followed by heart break and something approximating a breakdown, returned home to land in that other Australian City where they have trams, a day off for the Grand Final and that horse race. And in to the alternative yet compelling grasp of Counselling Psychology. The part of the Clinical Psychologist will be played by “Gerri” (not saying if this is her real name), who is a Clinical Psych I.R.L. Similarly the part of the Counselling Psychologist will be played by “Imy” (doesn’t go by this name in professional circles) who is also a Counselling Psych MAPS FCCOUNP I.R.L. The story begins when they meet after … 25+ years for “Peer Supervision”. The cases, concerns and stories are real but details have been de-identified and obscured in such a way to protect the privacy and confidentiality of those concerned while preserving the essence, integrity and meaning of the story for the protagonists. Our podcast seeks to entertain and inspire curiosity, dialogue, bravery in the face of horror, poise when confronting injustice and mindfulness in the presence of transformation. We want to explore the complex issues that face professional Psychologists by giving focus to the personal. We seek to melt the ice of secret keeping and uncover what lies beneath. We invite you to linger in this spirit, listen in sneakily to that which hitherto has never be spoken aloud and hope you enjoy. Look out for new episodes every fortnight on a Friday. Email gloppodcast@gmail.com

Friday Jul 23, 2021
Ep 4. “Travelling South – does going forward mean sometimes looking back?”
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Gerri is troubled by running in to people from her past compromising the comfortable anonymity she enjoys in her Secret City. Imy reveals multiple awkward moments at BBQs in her Secret City and how she invoked vegetarianism and being “weird” as a sort of one size fits all talisman warding off the horror of social situations rendering them harmless. Gerri and Imy deep dive in to the undercurrents of interpersonal violence hidden within Australian Culture using their own stories, memories and experiences as necessary boogie boards to surf these choppy waves. In particular the case and use of sarcasm is explored in everyday life and in therapy, with consideration being given to a number of responses including chocolate, avoidance, props, being busy and a surprising paradoxical intervention, the use vulnerability was examined. Imy resurrects memories of childhood friends engaging in a constant stream of dissing or putting each other down and evaluates the efficacy and effects of this within Australian “Culture”. The issue of justice and righted past wrongs popped up but was not quite pinned down. #gloptrotter #womenpodcasters

Friday Jul 09, 2021
Ep. 3: What is the Deeper Meaning of “Nude Work”?
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Gerri is feeling a bit flat and discusses how her beloved cat Tiger copes with this by eating ‘sometimes’ food. Tiger is temporarily borrowed as a transitional object. Imy has had a big week and reflects on her coping strategies additional to reaching for ‘sometimes’ food. Naughty food available in both Secret Cities is discussed. Gerri reflects on the need for an Escape Plan, in lieu of Self Care since Self Care for Psychologists is likely to be a thwarted enterprise. Gerri concludes her Escape Plan, that is - to live on a balconied apartment in Berlin, is hedonistic and selfish. The sudden emergence of a powerful critic instigated a search for better Escape Plans. Alternate Escape Plans such as having a Coffee Shop in Byron Bay and the emotional impact of the traffic encountered when arriving in Byron Bay are reviewed. Gerri imagines the joy of unbridled carbs and flirts with an imagined free frolic in parklands of Berlin. Imy suggests expanding the vision with some “nude work” which Gerri soundly, emphatically and unreservedly rejects. Post WW2 Berlin is discussed and the role of history informing our understanding of the present is examined. The impact or the collective benefit of discussion or committing to dialogue in the present about difficult events in the past was further considered. #gloptrotter

Friday Jun 25, 2021
Ep. 2: “The Blight of the Baby Boomer: does lockdown provide the answer?”
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Gerri is troubled by her ‘Clinical Psychologist’ identity receding when her Baby Boomer parents come to visit and she is compelled to take a Stay-Cation in her Secret City. The intergeneration conflict between perceptual biases of Baby Boomers and Gen X is explored and examined using primarily self report, generalisations and extrapolated viewpoint measures. Particular focus is given to the role of alcohol consumption, specifically the declining use of Cask Wine, and increased prevalence of body hair removal from the early nineties onward. Complexities of having an identity as a Psychologist are reviewed in terms of negotiating relationships with individuals outside a clinical role, juggling expectations of neighbours and friends, perceptions others have of Psychologists and the work they do inside and outside professional circles. The tendency of GPs to base their appraisal of psychological interventions on a personal reaction to the Psychologist concerned was found to be dominant. It was concluded that this phenomenon was in part due to wide spread confusion within the community about exactly what Psychologists are up to when they do “the work”.

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Gerri & Imy begin by trying to uncover what motivates them to practice psychology and be a Psychologist. They both miss Oprah and ponder what it means do be “doing well” in the field. Themes of “being appreciated or not”, Jordan Peterson and the dominance/competence hierarchy, Psychology as largely a female dominated field, gossip in professional circles, women being ‘allowed’ to be angry now and that this is preferred to being compliant and docile but that this is also confusing for the men folk who are preoccupied with ducking the finger of blame - are all discussed. Jordan Peterson’s analysis and interpretation of the data and the ‘holes’ in the data is examined in some detail. Imy has a crack at dismantling Jordan’s position with one idea. This episode does reference sexual assault and sexual violence as a cultural phenomenon and so carries a trigger warning.